Sur le calcul récurrent en APL


par Andrei Bouzine




It is known, that APL provides the possibility to think global,  in terms of arrays. It has the powerful incorporated means of processing arrays as a whole. Unfortunately, not all problems of array processing can be solved elegantly by APL. The APL is oriented on regular array processing, which means that all elements are processed similary. However from time to time the researcher who uses arrays often, requires singular or recurrent array processing, in which the algorithm of single element processing depends either on this element itself or on the other elements of array.

As  examples of singular processing we can mention calculating of logarithm of numerical vector or the derivation of piecewise-smooth function in points among which there are the points of nondifferentiability. It is quite obvious, that the points, where the function or operator is not defined, must be excluded from the processing. APL does not make this, nor informs which element can't  be processed:


µx„1 2 ¯3 4


     µx„1 2 ¯3 4


Meanwhile, the following result should be desirable:

0 0.6931471806 # 1.386294361

To obtain such a result we must  use cycle, but cycle in any interpreter works very slowly. It would be fine if this cycle was programmed as the immanent part of the language, as in the case of reduction, scan or each operator.

In this article we shall discuss another type of irregular array processing, namely, the recurrent calculating of the elements of array. We define the recurrent calculations as the step by step process of vector elements calculating, which is organised in such a manner that the next, i-th element x(i) is calculated as a function of fixed numbers k of previous elements

x(i-1), x(i-2),..., x(i-k) of the same array and the first k elements are initially known.

Suppose, we must fill the numerical vector of N elements in the following manner:




This vector is quite ordinary; its length and type of elements are fixed. We can say that this is classical, FORTRAN's array. It is sad that the powerful APL can't fill this array quickly. While calculating such an array you are put into a dilemma: either to write in elegant APL-style (for example by the aid of scan operator - see below), or in classic programming style -  by the aid of cycle construction. In the first case you will have the concise expression, which will work very slow. In the second case the calculations will be made more quickly, but all advantages of APL will be missed: your code will be as long as in FORTRAN, and the calculation time will be longer. An interjacent variant exists: you can use recursive function and MEMO operator (Geyer-Schulz Memoization) (thanks for John Scholes  of DyadicLtd., who has told me about this operator). We can save the time by this operator, but, firstly, the construction will be rather complicated, and, secondly, WS FULL error will be occurred even with little value of N.

On the other side, the problem is very simple for classic programming because each element can be calculated through the foregoing element by the recurrence relation:




, which is coded by one cycle.

But the interpreter is an interpreter. If you use the explicit cycle in APL, you must say honestly that it will calculate more longer than compiled executive module. This fact deters many users from APL. Generally speaking, the history of APL (and J) is the history of disposal from explicit cycles. This was made successfully for some problems by hiding the cycles into operators, such as reduction, scan, inner and outer product, each. The cycles implicitly organised by interpreter during operators' execution can be optimized and  calculated in some cases more quickly than the cycles, organised by C, for example.

As you  see below, the extension of operators' definition domain on any functions makes possible to avoid many cycles, but only formally. For example, scan operator applied to user function with dummy left argument permits to code the recurrent filling of vector. The paradox is that scan operator works not in recurrent manner and the elegance in this case  is the cause of enormous time increasing in culculations. Furthermore, the standard definition of scan (ISO8485; thanks for John Scholes, who informed me about this standard) makes the recurrent organization of scan operator principally impossible!

Don't think that the example mentioned above is exotic one. Below you can find out, that almost all solutions in computing mathematics are recurrent calculations. Moreover, many mathematical models are described by recurrence relations (Fibonacci numbers, continued fractions, manifold function superpositions, stochastic Marcovian processes etc.)

If the recurrent calculations were realised into APL interpreter, it would be a brilliant argument of its favour. Computing problems can be coded in a pair lines and the calculation time will be not longer than for compiled programmes. I don't see any principle difficulties for encapsulation of such recurrent operator in APL: the structures used in recurrent calculations are usually defined rigorously and it is not necessary to distribute memory dynamically during the calculations.


The objective of this article is to discuss the introduction a new operator - recurrent operator -  into APL.

Investigation of recurrent calculation speed in APL


The author of this article had been solving many years the following problems:


1.Compute the trajectories of solution of ordinary differential equations



system ;

2.Solve the system of algebraic equations       ;

3.Solve optimization problem (sometimes with restrictions)



4. There are many algorithms of solution of these problems; the most of them are realised as iteration process : starting from initial point (sometimes - from a set of initial points ) by the aid of some rule , where a  is a set of parameters, i - the iteration's number (in case of k initial points you must use not  ,but  instead) the sequence  is obtained.

Such algorithms are programmed in APL by cycles, but the organization of calculating can be different. To diminish the calculation time we have analysed different methods of cycle organization by solving some model problem.

Namely, we have build the trajectory of ordinary differential equation




by ordinary Eulers method with step  in 1001 points. The right part of the model problem was be chosen for the reasons of time of solution must be appreciable and the solution itself must be known (the solution of this Cauchy problem is ).

The right part of equation, i.e. the function , was coded separately; Eulers method was coded as a function (or as an operator) with f as an argument (operand).

Accumulation of resulting vector, which contains N+1 elements, can be realized as concatenating to it one number in one step, or as filling the correspondent component of predefined vector. Experiments shown that the second method is preferable in time (about 1.5 times; this result corresponds qualitatively with Robert Bernecky's one, see [8]).If organized recursively, the cycle works about 1.5 times slower; perhaps the transference of arguments is for APL the hard work. If we use the operator instead of the function, we can spare the time slightly (10-15 %% for our task).

The cycle may be organized by branching (&) or by control structure (:For...). The second way is more preferable in time, but not crucial (about 15-20%% for our task).

The calculations was executed by DyalogAPL,v.7.2, processor Intel486/66. The best time, namely, 0.8 sec. to calculate trajectory of 1001 points, we have reached by the following method:



[0] r„TN(f EuFor)x0;w;T;N;‘;i

[1]  T N„TN     ©Final time and number of steps

[2]  ‘„T£N      ©Step of integration

[3]  r„x0,N½0   ©Empty yet

[4]  :For i :In ¼N

[5]      w„r[i]

[6]      r[i+1]„w+‘¢f w

[7]  :EndFor


In modern APL this problem has an other, concise solution:




, where function  F is defined as follows:


[0] r„dummy F x

[1] r„x+‘¢f x


Here  is a global variable, f is the function, coded right part of differential equation. The function F - operand of scan operator - must be dyadic, this is the reason  why we use the dummy left argument. 

This elegant solution works, but takes 264 seconds! We encounter a paradox situation: while teaching APL as a most concise programming language, we must keep back the fact that Euler method can be programmed in five symbols and we must program the method in FORTRAN-manner.

The cause of slow work of scan operator is the fact, that each component of result is calculated anew, not using the previous components. The scan operator is foredoomed to such processing because ISO-standard value of F\x is , and the (i-1)-th component in this expression is absent in general case. Nevertheless, if F is independent of left argument and all elements of initial array are equal to x0, then the value of i -th component of F\x is equal to . This means that the i -th component can be calculated as a value of function F of (i-1)-th component, that is recurrently.

It's easy to understand that we can code more complex recurrent algorithms with the aid of scan operator, corresponding function F and initial value x0. In these cases the result of each step may be not a scalar, but more complex array, or the initial value may be a vector. For example, in the last case the following expression is valid to calculate N values starting from initial values x0=() and using recurrent relation :


(1 x0),,N ¯1  F\N/:x0


,where F is coded as


[0] r„dummy F x

[1] r„(1!x),f x


The calculation of Fibonacci numbers belongs to this case (f+/).

What we said above, means that the recurrent algorithms may be coded concisely in modern APL, without explicit cycles by scan operator, BUT they works in this case  without using recurrence, not optimally.

While calculating the trajectory of differential equation we apply some function F N times. To evaluate the time which is required for N-times application of function F within implicit cycle, programmed by primitive operator, we can use reduction: F/(N+1)/x0. This expression takes 0.5 sec for our model task. 50 percent quicker than in the case of explicit cycle. And 10 times shorter...

Computing mathematics is recurrent calculations[1]

The most numerical methods are iteration processes or recurrent calculations. You can see the corroboration  in any textbook in computing mathematics, [1] for example.

Distinction between iteration processes  and recurrent calculations is conventional. Commonly, the term "recurrent" is used if the calculations are processed by virtue of  analytic relations, which define the next element (number or simple array) as a function value of elements calculated previously. The elements of calculated sequence are enumerated; their numbers are integer scalars or integer vectors. (The last case is typical for numerical methods of solution of partial differential equations). The result of recurrent calculations is commonly represented as calculated sequence in whole; the calculations itself are carried out prefixed times - until the element with appointed number will be calculated. Recurrent calculations are typical for numerical solution of differential equation and mathematical modelling.

Iteration processes usually have as a result only the final value of some variable (which can be an array), not the whole sequence of values of this variable. The relation between the next value and previous values is defined as usually not  analytically, but algorithmically; sometimes by using many auxiliary variables. The step of iteration may be recurrent calculations itself (for example, it can be sweep method). The iteration processes are typical for numerical solution of algebraic equations, optimal control and optimization problems, linear algebra problems. Commonly, it is not known anew how many times we will repeat the iterations, and the end of process is controlled by fulfilment of some conditions.

Whereas any set of data can be present in APL as an array and whereas each algorithm can be programmed as APL-function, so far forth all iteration processes may be considered as recurrent calculations. We shall mention hereinafter the iteration processes also as recurrent calculations .

Any recurrent calculation is represented by one cycle[2].  One step of the cycle is the step of recurrent calculation. The loop body is defined by the mapping


(APL-function)  . The inital value of cycle index


i is equal to k+1.

The final value of cycle index is defined by the specified halt criterions. Often this criterions are described as some conditions for calculated values, not for cycle index. But, in this article we shall consider only the last case[3]. In this case the number of steps N is known before the calculations. Two variants are possible. The first case is we calculate the whole array element by element; the second is we are interesting only in the last element. To distinguish this two cases we shall assign the minus sign to the value N in the second case.

Before the calculations the initial values x(1),x(2),...,x(k) is known.

So, the recurrent calculation has following characteristics: initial values, number of steps and algorithm F to calculate the next element by the means of previous. This characteristics presents naturally the arguments of recurrent calculation operator (or, simply, recurrent operator). The operand is the function F, which describes the algorithm F (i.e. one step of recurrent calculations or of iteration process); the right argument is an array of two components: initial values and the number of steps. The left argument, if present, contains the parameters of function F.

The recurrent operator must build automatically the cycle with index i by means of its right argument. Two operations are executed into the cycle: the real indexes i‑k, i‑k+1,...,i‑1 are calculated and, secondly, the next value x(i) is calculated by the function F with actual right argument - the



set , and (if necessary) with actual left argument, which is equal to the left argument (or its modification) of recurrent operator.

Two important notes should be made about the function's F parameters.

At first, function F can be without any parameter. Therefore it is convenient to make left argument of recurrent operator optional (of course, if it is  possible for your APL version).

Secondly, the function F itself can depend on the value of i.  We can't define the actual value of this parameter before the cycle, because it depends on the cycle organization, which will be build only during the recurrent operator's processing. The dependence or independence F of i we must show in special manner. We mean that it is convenient to reflect such dependence by the special structure of left argument of recurrent operator. Namely, if the left argument of recurrent operator is the nested scalar, then i is a component of actual left argument of function F, otherwise the actual left argument of function F does not contain i. If the actual value of left argument of recurrent operator is represented by nested scalar, then the actual value of left argument of function F within the cycle must be the nested vector with two arguments - the parameters of function F itself and the number of cycle step.

We shall use the symbol "¬" for brevity as a name of recurrent operator.

Examples of numerical methods

Let us consider some numerical methods and write them by means of our hypothetical recurrent operator.

Euler method with step , the number of calculated points N and initial point x0 for solution of Cauchi problem of first order ordinary differential equation with right part f may be programmed as follows:

 EulerStep¬ x0 N

, where EulerStep is defined as follows function:


[0] r„ EulerStep x

[1]   r„x+×f x


(Here f is global defined function; you can, of course, define EulerStep as operator with operand f and use derived function f EulerStep instead; see examples below)

Using implicit Euler method we solve the equation  in each step. Newton method with the initial point  is usually used for the solution of this equation.  This Newton method must be coded in function F. Perhaps, extra components will be added to the left argument of recurrent operator. Note that Newton method itself may be described as recurrent calculations (see below).

Solving inhomogenious differential equation     the independent variable t is the argument of function f and the actual value of this argument is ×i. It means, that function F depends of i; to show this fact we must use the nested scalar[4] :, as the left argument of recurrent operator:+(:,) EulerStep1¬ x0 N, where EulerStep1 is


[0] r„par EulerStep1 x;;i

[1]  i„par

[2] r„x+×(×i) f x


In this case recurrent operator on one's own must form the actual value of two-component argument par taking the left argument of recurrent operator as a first component and cycle index as a second component.

Numerical solution of Cauchi problem of second or more order ordinary differential equation may be reduced to the solution of first order differential equation system or to using of one-dimensional difference scheme [1].

Euler method for solution of the system of homohenious differential equations we can code by recurrent operator as follows:


Well-known revisions of Euler method are the methods of Euler-Cauchi, of Runge-Kutta and of Adams[2]. All arguments of recurrent operator for Euler-Cauchi method and for Runge-Kutta method are the same as for ordinary Euler method, only function F is different. For Euler-Cauchi method the function F itself may use the recurrent operator. Really, the i-th value  of the result refines by means of iteration for k:

with initial values . If we establish that the M‑th refinement is acceptable, then the Euler-Cauchi method to solve first order homohenious ordinary differential equation may be coded by means of the following recurrent operator:


 M ECStep¬ x0 N


, where ECStep is the function of one Euler-Cauchi step:


[0] r„par ECStep x;;M

[1]  M„par

[2] r„ x F2¬ (x (x+×f x))(-M)


 , and F2 is one step of refinement:


[0] r„par F2 y;

[1]  x„par

[2] r„x+0.5××+/f y


Adams method calculates the i-th point of the resulting trajectory using a rather complex relation [2,p.187],  which contains the values of k previous points, integration step  and the set of constants C. k  is a parameter of Adams method; the first k points of trajectory must also be known before calculations. We may program the Adams method for solution of homogeneous first order ordinary differential equation with fixed initial values x0 (the vector of length k) and with vector of constants C as follows:


C  AdamsStep¬ x0 N


To calculate the trajectory with integration step  for Cauchi problem in the interval (0,T) for autonomous differential equation with delay


 X = ò(X(t_τ))


if the first M points x0=x(),x(2),...,x(M), =t/M of the trajectory x(t) are known, we can use recurrent operator in the following manner:


f EulerTau ¬ x0 (T÷tau÷M)


, where f is right part function of differential equation and EulerTau is operator processing one step of calculations:


[0] r(f EulerTau) x

[1] r„œ(¯1†x)+‘¢f 1†x


Newton method for solution of algebraic equation f(x)=0 consists in step

by step using of recurrent relation , where  is

an initial approximation of the root. The number of steps is limited as usually by some value N. If the method does not converge after N steps, then the method is considered as nonconvergent, starting the initial approximation involved. N is commonly not very large, about 10-20. The recurrent operator for solution of algebraic equation by Newton method may be written as follows:


a f Newton1 df¬ x0 (-N)


, where f Newton1 df is a derived function, which makes one step of Newton method for known functions f and df (derivative of f):


[0] ra (f Newton1 df) x

[1] rx-a×(f x)÷df x


This problem is a special case of the problem of solution of the algebraic equation system by Newton method with initial approximation x0 (which is a vector of length n, where n is system's dimension). In general case the following operator is applicable:

a f NewtonN df ¬ (:x0)(-N)

, where f NewtonN df is a derived function, which makes one step of many-dimensional Newton method for known vector-functions f (left part of the system involved) and df (Jacobian-function of function f):


[0] ra (f NewtonN df) x

[1] rx-a×(f x)}df x


If Jacobian is calculated numerically by means of some derived function f Jacobian with parameters parJ, then the recurrent operator can be used in following manner:


a parJ f NewtonN (f Jacobian)¬ (:x0)(-N)


It is known, that the numerical methods of optimization and optimal control are iteration methods similar to Newton method of solution of algebraic systems, but the iteration steps itself are sometimes rather complex and include the solutions of equations or one-dimensional optimization.

Bisection method for solution of algebraic equation f(x)=0 in interval [a,b] (0>f(a)×f(b)) may be programmed as follows:


0.5×+/f Twain¬(:a b)(-N)


, where derived function f Twain makes one step of the method:


[0] r„(f Twain)x;b

[1]  r„0.5¢+/x

[2]  r„(1+0<¢/f b)œ(b„r(2œx))((1œx)r)


 Numerical integration methods use often orthogonal polynoms. The more popular one (Legendre, Chebyshev, Laguerre and Hermite polynoms) can be calculated using recurrent relations [3]. For example, the Legendre polynoms are calculated by the formula



It is easy to write the values of N Legendre polynoms in points x (which is a fixed numerical vector):


(::x)  Legendre¬(x (0.5ׯ1+3×x*2))N


, where function "Legendre" is defined as follows:


[0] rpar Legendre y;x;i;P1;P2

[1] x ipar

[2] P2 P1y

[3]   r((2-÷i)×x×P1)-(1-÷i)×P2


Function interpolation can be often reduced to the problem of solution of linear systems with n-diagonal matrix. It is advantageous in this case to use not the general algorithm of linear system solution (}), but the sweep method. The sweep method is often used also in other problems of computing mathematics[1]. This method calculates the coefficient sequences {ai} and {bi}, so, that i-th component of linear system solution can be calculated by means of the first component as . The coefficients ai and bi are calculated by using the elements of main diagonal K, bottom diagonal L, upper diagonal M and the vector of right part b of the system involved. To calculate the consequence ai you can use the recurrent operator in following manner:


alpha„(›b L K M)Falpha¬(0,b[1]£M[1])(½b)


, where


[0] r„par Falpha a;b;L;K;M;i

[1]  b L K M i„par

[2]  i-„1

[3]  r„(b[i]-a+.¢iœ¤L K)£M[i]


The consequence  bi is calculated similarly. Both sequences are used to calculate the system solution. You will see below, that the solution of threediagonal systems can be processed by this method much more quickly than by using }.

In numerical methods of linear algebra the recurrent calculations are used often too. For example, to reduce the matrix A to Frobenius canonical form (which may be used to solve the eigen values problem), we must execute n times the iteration , where Mn-i is calculated by matrix [2]. This method may be realized by means of recurrent operator as follows:


(:n)Frob¬(:A)(-n1 ½A)

, where


[0] r„par Frob A;IM;ni;n

[1]  n„1œpar

[2]  ni„n+1-2œpar

[3]  IM„(¼n)°.=¼n

[4]  IM[ni;]„A[ni+1;]

[5]  r„IM+.¢A+.¢ŽIM


The numerical solution of partial differential equations is commonly step by step calculations of layers in many-dimensional net, starting from initial layer. The values of points of next layer are related recurrently with the points in previous layers, this is called difference scheme. Thus, the recurrent operator with difference scheme as operand can calculate all layers of the net, realizing the numerical solution.

Each net layer is a simple numerical array with rank equal to the problem's dimension minus one. Usually, the calculation of one layer is the recurrent calculations[5].

Consider, for example, two methods of numerical solution of mixed problem for parabolic type equation [1]




in domain [0,X]×[0,T] with initial conditions and boundary conditions . We will search for the numerical solution  in net points . Let us denote by U1 the set of known values {, m=1,2,3,...,M}. Numerical solution of the problem involved consist in consequently filling of matrix U with rank M×N, where the first column, the first and last row of this matrix is known before calculations:




We write the symbol "*" instead the elements which must be calculated.

Usually the following difference schemes are used to solve the problem:









In all three cases the numerical solution fill consequently from left to right the columns of matrix U. The way to calculate the elements of next column by the elements of previous column is different for different schemes.

The scheme (A) calculates each point of next column by three adjacent points in previous column. For scheme (B) all points of next column are the solution of three-diagonal linear system with coefficients depending on all points in previous column and corresponding values of m functions. The difference scheme (C) is a generalization of schemes (A) and (B). If  0<s£1, then the way to calculate the next column is the same as in scheme (B), but the coefficients of linear system, which must be solved in each step, are the other. If 0=s the scheme (C) is identical to scheme (A). Note, that t,h and s are the parameters of difference scheme using; values , can be calculated if we know indexes m and n, as the result of globally defined functions jm1, m2 (Fi, Mu1, Mu2) correspondingly.

For the scheme (A) the problem is solved by recurrent operator as follows:


(:(X÷N),(T÷M),M)ShA¬(:U1) N


,where U1 is the vector of initial points and  ShA is the function, which describes one step in the scheme (À):


[0] r„par ShA u;h;tau;M;n;th;t

[1]  h tau M n„par

[2]  th„tau£h¢h

[3]  t„tau¢n-1

[4]  r„(Mu1 t),((›u)FA¤1+¼M-2),Mu2 t


, where function FA is defined as


[0] rx FA m

[1] rx[m]+(th×1 ¯2 1+.×x[m+¯1 0 1])+tau×Fi (h×m-1) (tau×n-2)


Note, that inside the function ShA, in function FA¨, the implicit cycle is hidden, which will, probably, detain the calculations (in the case, if it is realized in such a manner that it calls the function FA each times. It is precisely repeating of these calls that may be cheated by many-dimensional recurrent operator).

For difference scheme (B) the problem can be solved as follows:


(:(X÷N),(T÷M),M)Sh¬(:U1) N


,where ShB is the function, which describes one step in the scheme (B):


[0] r„par ShB u;h;tau;M;n;ht;t;h2;b

[1]  h tau M n„par

[2]  ht„(h¢h)£tau

[3]  t„tau¢n-1

[4]  b„-(ht¢¯1‡1‡u)+(h¢h¢Fi¤(h¢¼M-2),¤t)

[5]  b[1]-„Mu1 t ª b[M-2]-„Mu2 t

[6]  r„((M-2)½-2+ht)((M-3)½1)((M-3)½1)Solve3D b

[7]  r„(Mu1 t),r,Mu2 t


, where Solve3D is the function, which solves the corresponding three-diagonal linear system of rank (M-2)×(M-2). This function calls the other functions Fi, Mu1, Mu2 and can contain the recurrent operators (see above).

Other examples of onedimensional recurrent problems

The problem of recurrent filling of an array, formulated in introduction of this article, can be solved as follows:


(›«)Sqr100¬10 100


,where Sqr100 is "one-step" function:


[0] r„i Sqr100 x

[1] ©Function for reccurent calc of complex root

[2]  r„(x+101-œi)*0.5


This problem is actually the problem of calculation of complex function superpositions; the other example is



We can use the recurrent operator to calculate this superposition:




(Here we use composition operator °. If your interpreter does not afford the composition operator, you must write the name of sine function, programmed manually, instead 1°±).

Some mathematical models brings forth the recurrent calculations, which result in continued fraction[5]. Continued fraction in general form




may be programmed by recurrent operator as follows:


((›a b)Chain¬(a[1],b[2]+¢/a[1 2])(-n))

£((›a b)Chain¬ (1,a[2])(-n))


,where a,b are the fixed sets {an},{ bn ; b1 =1}, and function Chain describes one step of recurrent calculations (see [5], p.811):


[0] r„par Chain x;a;b;i

[1]  a b i„par

[2]  r„(b[i]¢x[1])+a[i]¢x[2]


In particular cases the continued fractions are programmed more simply.


It is easy to program the discrete Marcovian stochastic processes [6] by means of recurrent operator. Really, the probability distribution at the moment involved  is defined only by fixed set of previous states of such processes. (We can say, that discrete Marcovian processes are  stochastic generalization of recurrent relations).

Here is one example of Marcovian process:

?¬1000 100


Another example is the Marcovian chain of length n with 10 states, transition matrix P and initial state x0:


P Marcov¬x0 n

, where


[0] r„P Marcov x;p

[1] ©Marcovian transition

[2]  p„+\P[x;]

[3]  r„1++/p°.<0.000001¢?1000000


Onedimensional recurrent operator

Hereinafter is the DyalogAPL text of recurrent operator[6]. It checks the correctness of right argument (line 3), prints the result if the number of steps is not more than the length of initial values' vector (line 8), construct the actual left argument of F function, which will be used into the cycle (lines 9-15) and apply the cycle to fill the resulting array (lines 18-24) or to calculate the value in the last iteration (lines 25-32).


[0] Y„{parF}(F RecIt)R;r;s;w;K;I;i;num;p;X;left;N;argF

[1] ©Onedimensional operator for reccurrent calculations

[2] ©and for iteration steps (Andrei Buzin 09 April 1997)

[3]  –((,2)»½R)/'''Right argument must be a vector of 2 elements!''ªY„«ª…0'

[4]  X N„R   ©Initial values,Number of steps

[5]          ©N must be simple integer (N<0 for iterations, N>0 for recurrence)

[6]  K„½X„,X                      ©Number of initial values

[7]  …(K<|N)/l10                  ©Is the result yet ready?

[8]  Y„–(1+N‰0)œ'(-N)œX' 'N†X' ª …0

[9] l10: :If 0=ŒNC'parF'          ©Prepare the left arg of F

[10]    left„''

[11]:ElseIf (0=½½parF)^1<|­parF   ©If parF is a nested scalar

[12]    left„'((œparF),i)'

[13]:Else                         ©In other cases

[14]    left„'parF'


[16]                              ©CYCLE


[18]Y„N†X                        ©For pure recurrence



[21]num„²i-¼K                    ©effective elements


[23]Y[i]„›–left,' F argF'


[25]iTER:Y„X                      ©For iterations

[26]i„K ª N„-N



[29]Y,„›–left,' F argF'





Now let us see the work of our recurrent operator:



1.1. 10 Fibonacci numbers, Two initials: ©COMMENT

+/RecIt(1 1)10 ©EXPRESSION

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 ©RESULT


1.2. 10 Fibonacci numbers, Three initials:

+/RecIt(1 1 1)10

1 1 1 3 5 9 17 31 57 105


1.3. 50-th Fibonacci number

+/RecIt(1 1)¯50



1.4. Sequence a,1/a,a,1/a,....

a„2ªN„10ª               £ RecIt a N

2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5


1.5. Complex Root:sqr(1+sqr(2+...99+sqr(100)...);

(›«)Sqr100 RecIt 10 ¯100



1.6. Sequence of complex Roots

2•(›«)Sqr100 RecIt 10 100


10.00 10.44 10.41 10.36 10.31 10.26 10.21 10.16 10.11 10.06 10.00 9.95 9.9

      0 9.84 9.79 9.74 9.68 9.63 9.57 9.52 9.46 9.41 9.35 9.29 9.24 9.18 9.

      12 9.06 9.00 8.94 8.89 8.83 8.77 8.70 8.64 8.58 8.52 8.46 8.39 8.33 8

      .27 8.20 8.14 8.07 8.00 7.94 7.87 7.80 7.73 7.66 7.59 7.52 7.45 7.38

      7.31 7.23 7.16 7.08 7.01 6.93 6.85 6.77 6.69 6.61 6.53 6.44 6.36 6.27

       6.19 6.10 6.01 5.92 5.82 5.73 5.63 5.53 5.43 5.33 5.23 5.12 5.01 4.9

      0 4.79 4.67 4.55 4.42 4.29 4.16 4.02 3.88 3.72 3.57 3.40 3.23 3.04 2.

      84 2.61 2.37 2.09 1.76


1.7. Complex sinus in point Pi/2: Pi/2+sin(Pi/2)+sin(sin(Pi/2))+...; recurrent formula is X(i)=sin(X(i-1))

+/      1°± RecIt (±.5)10



1.8. Complex sinus in points Pi/4,Pi/2,...

3•+š†     1°± RecIt (›±.25¢¼5)10

 5.783 7.633 7.354 3.142 ¯1.071


1.9. Golden Ratio!

1°+°£ RecIt 1 ¯40



1.10. Chain fraction 1/(1+1/(3+1/(5+...+1/103)...)

(›«) Chain1 RecIt (£103) ¯52



1.11.Chain fraction in general form: a0+b1/(a1+b2/(a2+....+bN/aN)...)


((›a b)Chain RecIt (a[1],b[2]+¢/a[1 2])(-N))£((›a b)Chain RecIt (1,a[2])(-N))



1.12. 5 first Legendre Polinoms in points  x= 0 1 2

(››x) Legendre RecIt (x(.5¢¯1+3¢x*2))5

 0 1 2  ¯0.5 1 5.5  0 1 17  0.375 1 55.375  0 1 185.75



2.1.Newton Method of solution of eq. F2(x)=x*2-1=0 with explicit calculated derivation DF2, initial point x=2, 10 steps:

F2 NewtonN DF2 RecIt 2 ¯10



2.2.Newton method of solution of eq. F2(x)=x*2-1=0 with indirect calculated derivation by Jacobian operator with step 0.0001:

F2 NewtonN (0.0001 Jacobian F2) RecIt 2 ¯10



2.3.Illustration of convergency:

F2 NewtonN (0.0001 Jacobian F2) RecIt 2 10

2 1.25001875 1.025012375 1.000306381 1.000000062 1 1 1 1 1


2.4.Newton Method of solution of Thomson system (,v.25#1) with numerical calculated derivation with step 0.0001:

Thom NewtonN (0.0001  Jacobian Thom)RecIt (›1 1 1)¯10

0.8779657603 0.6767569705 1.330855412


2.5.Twain method of solution equation F2(x)=0:

0.5¢+/F2 Twain RecIt (›0 2)¯10



2.6.Solution of threediagonals linear system  1 7 0   1

                                              7 8 8¢X=2          

                                              0 9 3   3          

(The function Solve3D contains two calls of RecIt).

(1 8 3)(7 9)(7 8)Solve3D 1 2 3

¯0.4 0.2 0.4



3.1. Explicit Euler solution of diff.eq. with right part  1-(sin(x))*2  Initial value=0, step .01. The result is x(t) in points 0,0.01,0.02,...,0.99

3•0.01 RP EulerE RecIt 0 100


 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.110 0.

      119 0.129 0.139 0.149 0.159 0.169 0.178 0.188 0.198 0.207 0.217 0.226

       0.236 0.245 0.255 0.264 0.273 0.283 0.292 0.301 0.310 0.319 0.328 0.

      337 0.346 0.355 0.364 0.372 0.381 0.390 0.398 0.407 0.415 0.424 0.432

       0.440 0.448 0.456 0.465 0.473 0.480 0.488 0.496 0.504 0.512 0.519 0.

      527 0.534 0.542 0.549 0.556 0.563 0.571 0.578 0.585 0.592 0.598 0.605

       0.612 0.619 0.625 0.632 0.638 0.645 0.651 0.658 0.664 0.670 0.676 0.

      682 0.688 0.694 0.700 0.706 0.712 0.718 0.723 0.729 0.734 0.740 0.745

       0.751 0.756 0.761 0.767 0.772 0.777 0.782


3.2. Implicit Euler solution of this problem. Number of steps to find root in one Euler step is equal to 5

3•0.01 5 RP EulerI RecIt 0 100


 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.109 0.

      119 0.129 0.139 0.149 0.159 0.168 0.178 0.188 0.197 0.207 0.216 0.226

       0.235 0.245 0.254 0.263 0.273 0.282 0.291 0.300 0.309 0.318 0.327 0.

      336 0.345 0.354 0.363 0.371 0.380 0.388 0.397 0.405 0.414 0.422 0.430

       0.439 0.447 0.455 0.463 0.471 0.479 0.486 0.494 0.502 0.509 0.517 0.

      524 0.532 0.539 0.547 0.554 0.561 0.568 0.575 0.582 0.589 0.596 0.603

       0.609 0.616 0.623 0.629 0.636 0.642 0.648 0.655 0.661 0.667 0.673 0.

      679 0.685 0.691 0.697 0.703 0.709 0.714 0.720 0.726 0.731 0.737 0.742

       0.747 0.753 0.758 0.763 0.768 0.774 0.779


3.3. Explicit Euler to solve nonhomogenious equation dx/dt=f(x,t),x(a)=x0, t=a,a+‘,...,a+N‘. Let f=(x*2)-6/(t*2)

‘„.05 ª a„1 ª x0„2 ª N„10 ª 6•(›‘ a) Mon9_6 EulerT RecIt x0 N

 2.000000 1.900000 1.808391 1.723971 1.645732 1.572820 1.504508 1.440171 1.

      379267 1.321324


3.4. Runge-Kutta method of solution

6•(›‘ a) Mon9_6 RungeKutta RecIt x0 N

 2.000000 1.904761 1.818179 1.739127 1.666662 1.599994 1.538454 1.481473 1.

      428561 1.379298


3.5. Euler method to solve homohenious equation with delay

           dx/dt=-x(t-Tau); x(t)=cos t ,if 0ˆtˆTau

F„2°± ª ‘„.01 ª Tau„1.57 ª 'x(3.14)='(‘ ‑ EulerD RecIt (F ‘¢¯1+¼—Tau£‘)¯314)

 x(3.14)=  ¯0.9941912509



4.1. Parabolic Equation(PPE Problem). Explicit Scheme.


     u(x,0)=U1(x);u(0,t)= Mu1(t);u(X,t)= Mu2(t);net (h,tau)

h„.1 ª tau„.005 ª X„1 ª T„.02 ª N„—1+T£tau ª M„—1+X£h ª U1„M½0

³²†(›h tau M)ShA RecIt(›U1)N


0 0.005   0.01   0.015   0.02  

0 0.00405 0.0081 0.01215 0.0162

0 0.0032  0.0064 0.0096  0.0128

0 0.00245 0.0049 0.00735 0.0098

0 0.0018  0.0036 0.0054  0.0072

0 0.00125 0.0025 0.00375 0.005

0 0.0008  0.0016 0.0024  0.0032

0 0.00045 0.0009 0.00135 0.0018

0 0.0002  0.0004 0.0006  0.0008

0 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002

0 0       0      0       0    


4.2. Solution PPE Problem by Implicit Scheme.

h„.1 ª tau„.005 ª X„1 ª T„.02 ª N„—1+T£tau ª M„—1+X£h ª U1„M½0

³²†(›h tau M)ShB RecIt(›U1)N


0 0.005   0.01   0.015   0.02  

0 0.00405 0.0081 0.01215 0.0162

0 0.0032  0.0064 0.0096  0.0128

0 0.00245 0.0049 0.00735 0.0098

0 0.0018  0.0036 0.0054  0.0072

0 0.00125 0.0025 0.00375 0.005

0 0.0008  0.0016 0.0024  0.0032

0 0.00045 0.0009 0.00135 0.0018

0 0.0002  0.0004 0.0006  0.0008

0 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002

0 0       0      0       0     



5.1.Frobenius form of matrix A=  5 6 1

                                 8 8 4

                                 2 9 5

2•(›n)Frob RecIt (›A)(-n„1†½A)

 18.00 ¯19.00 ¯116.00

  1.00   0.00    0.00

  0.00   1.00    0.00



6.1. Marcovian Process with absorb state 1:

? RecIt 1000 20

1000 353 102 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


6.2. Marcovian Chain with transition matrix P (10 states):

P Marcov RecIt 5 100

5 10 2 2 6 5 3 1 1 2 3 3 8 2 1 2 8 6 4 10 10 8 3 3 9 7 8 7 5 1 6 5 3 1 3 3

      10 6 9 4 4 10 8 7 9 9 10 8 3 1 8 6 9 7 2 2 2 3 6 5 2 4 10 8 6 4 5 9

      9 6 9 6 6 9 8 1 2 3 9 7 9 7 7 5 7 8 4 4 5 10 2 3 6 4 7 5 10 2 2 3


6.3. Birth and Death Process with Poisson distribution

1.15 10 BornDead RecIt 2 20

2 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


6.4. Branching Process

3 Branching RecIt (›1 1 1)50

 1 1 1  1 1 1  1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1  1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1

      1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1

       1  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1



7.1. Calculation of function F in points X with substitution by # if the result is not defined

Let X=1 0 ¯2 3,  F(x)=ln(x)  

(››X) µ Calc RecIt « (œ½,X)

0 ## 1.098612289


7.2. Make Binary Tree of Height N with '*' in cells

N„5 ª †2°½°› RecIt (›,'*') N



 *                                     *

 *  *                                  *  *

 *  *    *  *                          *  *    *  *

 *  *    *  *      *  *    *  *        *  *    *  *      *  *    *  *



Of course, our recurrent operator works a little slower than the cycle, which may be written for a concrete problem. Nevertheless, it works more quicker than scan operator (see above).

It works with the same speed as recursion (if the recursion is possible), but uses more less memory. For example, the problem described in introduction (complex root) can not be solved by means of recursion if N=25000 and 2Mb of memory ordered for workspace (WS FULL error); our operator solves this problem in 47 seconds.  

One illustration of effective work of our operator is the calculation of 100 Legendre polynoms in 100 points. Below you can see the graphs of first five and the hundredth Legendre polynoms, calculated by our RecIt operator and drawn by GRAN (the system of interactive graph plotting in APL [4]). To plot this graphs we must write only the function "Legendre" (see above) and use the expressions x0.01×¼100 and  (:›x) Legendre RecIt (x(.5¢¯1+3¢x*2))100 to define graphs. The calculation of 100 polynoms in 100 points takes about one second by my Intel486.



Another example of effective using of recurrent operator is the solution of large linear systems with three-diagonal matrix (see above). Our operator works significantly quickly in comparison with function } (this is because the main algorithm is quadratic, but sweep algorithm is linear). The system with 250 variables can be solved in 31 sec. by } function and in 3 sec. by our operator.

I have already noted that, if the recurrent operator will be coded as primitive APL-operator, then we can spare about 30-40%% in time versus our RecIt operator.

I see it is the time.




[1]N.S.Bachvalov, N.P.Zhidkov, G.M.Kobelkov "Numerical methods", 1987 (in Russian)


[2]P.I.Monastyrski(editor) "Tutorial in calculation methods", 1994 (in Russian)


[3]G.A.Korn, T.M.Korn "Mathematical Handbook" (Russian edition 1974)


[4]A.Ju.Buzin, I.G.Pospelov "GRAN: an interactive system of graphs' plotting", 1994 (in Russian)


[5]"Mathematical Encyclopedia", v.5, 1985 (in Russian)


[6]W.Feller "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications" (Russian edition 1984)


[7] N. Thompson "Applying Matrix Divide in APL and J",APL Quote Quad,v.25#1,Sep. 1994,pp.211-220


[8]R.Bernecky "Strategies for Optimizing the API Problem", Vector, v.13#4,April 1997,pp.7-10.


[9]A.Buzin "About recurrent calculations in APL", APL¨Club, v.2#1,1997, pp.10-24.


[1] As Professor Igor Pospelov noted, this statement is a free treatment of Church thesis.

[2] In more general cases the index i may be represented as multiindex. For example, if we are solving the partial differential equation by the aid of  some difference scheme we can represent the difference scheme as a mapping x(i)= F(Xi), where i is a point in n-dimensional integer space Zn  and  Xi ={x(j), j¹JiÍ Zn }. Such sort of calculations are organized as nested cycle. The problem how to build automatically such nested cycle if we know the set Ji  and whether this possibility exists in principle is not simple. We are restricting here themselves by the simple onedimensional case. Thus the solution of  partial differential equations are represented as recursive application of our onedimensional recurrent operator (see example below). In general case we must investigate the "calculation pattern" Ji before building recurrent cycle. See about it in [9] , where some more general onedimentional case (when you can calculate the vector starting not only from beginning but also from the end) is described. 

[3] It is easy to propose a more general construction for halt criterion mentioned. If the halt criterion is the accomplishment of some conditions then the function, which test this conditions, may be the left operand of recurrent operator. (The operator which works as "until" is described in [7]. The disadvantage of recursive organized  operator was discussed above).

[4] If  is a scalar, you must make a vector before enclosing. You can write : simply, if  is a vector.

[5] To reduce the calculations to one-dimensional steps we must organize the cycle, which contains implicit or explicit the other cycles. It is intuitively clear, that the many-dimensional  recurrent operator is convenient in this case; it must build automatically the nested cycle analysing the many-dimensional calculation pattern. The problem of many-dimensional calculation pattern analysis  remains open.

[6] You can find this operator and some examples of its using in web site of Dyadic Ltd. (, RECURE workspace)(04 Juny 97).